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Chapter 2


El Caraño

El Caraño is a corregimiento* located northwest of Florencia (Caquetá) and bordering the department of Huila. Is made up of 36 veredas*. El Caraño is a rural area in the municipality, with a very high biological importance because it’s located in the foothills of the Cordillera Oriental (Eastern Mountain Range), where numerous streams are born and later on converge to form the Caraño and the Hacha Rivers, responsible for providing water to all the urban population of Florence.

This area is mostly populated by small farmers who work the land and plant different products such as bananas, coffee, citrus species, etc. Some of these farmers, in alliance with Natural Heritage through the C&G Program, have worked on our conservation incentive project seeking to protect these water sources that guarantee the life of the region.

Entering the sound universe of this region means immersing in the sounds of numerous streams of water and distinctive callings of regional birds –some of which, according to the locals, announce omens. In addition to the great sound diversity of nature, we can hear the voice of the locals inviting us to take care of our ecosystems and to recover them.

*Corregimiento is an administrative division of a low populated area. The populated areas are called veredas.

*Vereda is a sub divisional administrative part of a municipality, mostly rural.


Stop and deeply listen to what nature has to say.

The Voices of the People

Stories and experiences of the communities.


Landscapes, places, colors, and textures.

The Chapter Caquetá from the VozTerra platform has been possible thanks to the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), under the Conservation and Governance Program in the Amazonian Piedmont, launched by the Patrimonio Natural Fund, in partnership with VozTerra. Its content is responsibility of VozTerra and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of USAID or the United States government or the Natural Heritage Fund.